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is a type of mild to severe pain in the legs, which can be in one or both legs. It happens as a nerve coming from the spinal cord is pressed on by a slipped disc, or because of irritation caused by the slipped disc. One feels the pain along the course of the nerve in addition to back pain. Therefore, one may feel pain down a leg to the calf or foot. Sciatica can range from mild to severe, but it is often worse than the back pain. The sciatic nerve is a large nerve that is made up from several nerves that come out from the spinal cord in the lower back. It travels deep inside the buttock and down the back of the leg.
Treatment of sciatic pain
Spinal Epidural Injections
Depending on the site and severity of the pain, Lumbar Inter-laminar Epidural Injections and Trans-foraminal injection can be given to alleviate pain. These injections reduce the redness and swelling of the spinal nerve roots, thereby decreasing pain, tingling and numbness.
Spinal cord stimulation
Spinal cord stimulation is a procedure that delivers ultra low electrical signals to the spinal cord to block pain signals from reaching the brain. Spinal cord stimulation is recommended when the epidural injection fails to reduce pain, surgery didn’t give the desired results or when other treatment has failed to reduce pain.
Ozone Discectomy
Injection of Ozone-Oxygen mixture into the affected disc is a new alternative method of treating patients suffering from Sciatica caused by slipped disc.